We’re energized and excited to serve our Hispanic community. On January, 24th we celebrated the legacy of the Wichita Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and our vision for the future.
To make the night more interesting, we had some interactive questions around the room and we want to share some of the answers that were shared:
What are you working on in your business this year that the WHCC may be able to help you with?
Mentorship opportunities
How would you like to get involved with our chamber?
Volunteer opportunities
What would you love to see happen in the Hispanic business community in 2023?
Highlighting Latina businesses
Promoting and supporting new and future businesses
Mentor future entrepreneurs
How can the WHCC be more involved with the community?
Family events
Work with different organizations
Revamping 20 years of Service was full of positive emotions and great conversations. We hope to continue this work with your support.
Ana Lopez, Vice-Chair Wichita Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, ALopez@wichita.gov
Maria Kury, Chairperson Wichita Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, mkury@usd259.net
Dr. Jerry Smartt, Board Member Wichita Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, jsmartt@friends.edu
Patty Kohler, President/CEO JR Custom Metal Products, Inc., PKoehler@JRCMP.com
Javier Villegas, President/CEO Family First Insurance Alliance, jvillegas@myfaminsurance.com
Carlos Gomez, President/CEO Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Greater Kansas City, cgomez@hccgkc.com